Silvia Masi "Unveiling spectral distortions of the cosmic microwave background" Dip. di Fisica [CHIAMATA]

Giovedì, 14 Dicembre, 2023 - 12:15

Il giorno giovedì 14 dicembre alle ore 12.10 in Aula Careri si terrà il seminaro della prof.ssa Silvia Masi, vincitrice Procedura upgrade PA->PO 2023POR010 FIS/05 02/C1

Title: Unveiling spectral distortions of the cosmic microwave background

The spectral brightness of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) is accurately described by a 2.725K blackbody. However, low-level deviations, also known as spectral distortions, are expected due to non-thermal processes occurring during the evolution of the Universe. These deviations can result in both isotropic and anisotropic changes in the spectral brightness of the CMB, representing an original research branch that is independent and synergistic with the study of the polarization of the CMB.

After providing a brief introduction on the anticipated spectral distortions and their cosmological significance, I will describe two experiments, COSMO and OLIMPO, which aim to detect such distortions. Our department plays a leading role in these experiments. In particular, I will elaborate on the innovative experimental methods implemented to test the spectrum with an accuracy close to a few parts per million.

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