Subjects and timetable

Title Semester Starts Teacher
Ancient topography and cartography Migliorati, Luisa
Palaeoethnology Recchia, Giulia
Human paleontology Manzi, Giorgio
Multimedia and Interactive Experience Empler, Tommaso
Numismatics Polosa, Annalisa
Ancient and aerial archaeological topography Migliorati, Luisa
Greek and Roman Archeology and History of Art Lo Monaco, Annalisa
Restoration Billi, Eliana
Cultural heritage and archaeology in Africa Di Lernia, Savino
Archaeology of the roman provinces Galli, Marco
Methodology of the archaeological research D'Alessio, Maria Teresa
Prehistoric ecology Conati Barbaro, Cecilia
Epigraphy and Greek / Roman antiques Guizzi, Francesco | Orlandi, Silvia
Legislation of Cultural Heritage Calandra, Elena
Public archaeology Conati Barbaro, Cecilia
Planning and management of temporary events Andresen, Alexandra
Settlements and landscape in the Middle Ages Del Ferro, Sergio
Paleolithic archaeology Spinapolice, Enza Elena
Sources and issues of ancient greek and roman history Thornton, John | Vannicelli, Pietro
Islamic archaeology Di Cesare, Michelina
Egyptology and coptic antiques Buzi, Paola
History of the Ancient Near East Mori, Lucia
Medieval epigraphy Annoscia, Giorgia Maria
Medieval archaeology and society Stasolla, Francesca Romana
Archaeometry. Physical Methods for Cultural Heritage Falcucci, Claudio
Phoenician-Punic archaeology 1 Spagnoli, Federica
Etruscology and Italic Antiquities 1 Michetti, Laura Maria
Archaeology of the Pre-Roman Italy 1 Michetti, Laura Maria
Survey and Technical Analysis of Ancient Monuments 1 Ten, Alessandra
European and Mediterranean Protohistory 1 Cardarelli, Andrea
Prehistoric and protohistoric archeology in western Asia 1 Balossi Restelli, Francesca
Geoarcheology 1 Milli, Salvatore
Preventive archaeology 1 Vanzetti, Alessandro
Cultural Heritage and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 1 D'Andrea, Marta | Nigro, Lorenzo
Archaeological landscapes - Contemporary landscapes 1 Toppetti, Fabrizio
Museum studies 2 Coen, Paolo
Late antique religious world archaeology 2 David, Max Victor
Communication for archaeological heritage 2 Nizzo, Valentino
Indian and Central Asian art history and archaeology 2 Lo Muzio, Ciro
History and epigraphy of preislamic Iran 2 Terribili, Gianfilippo

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